Tuesday, November 16, 2010


We have just returned from a trip to see Uncle Bruce and Auntie Julie. We all had such a blast. Jer got to spend some time with Bruce and do some fly fishing, I got to hang with Julie and do some serious power shopping and the girls got to:
Have a tea party as soon as they arrived, in jammies and all. They also got to go to a great place to eat with some real down home cooking. Lucy had biscuits and jam and Ellen tried grits for the first time.
Here are Bruce, Ellen and Lucy at the cafe. Well, Lucy's hand holding up Brown Bear.
The girls also got to have a little tractor ride.
We did a tour of Nashville this visit also. Jer and I loved seeing 'Music Row'. Here is Jer playing Elvis' guitar. He wishes! He is in front of the building where Elvis recorded some of his hit songs.
While we were on our tour, Julie was setting up for a very special tea party.
Lucy found a special gift on her place card. It is a ring with three tea cups on it.

I was lucky enough to be invited also. Here we all are in Julie's tea room.
Here is the guest of honor taking her first sip of tea.
There was also a spot for Brown Bear, who is a special guest from Lucy's school.
Lucy and Julie
Ellen returned from a trip with Daddy at the end of the party and got to sit with us for a little snack.
Here is Lucy on tea party day.
Ellen wanted to be part of the fanciness too, she pulled Lucy's tutu skirt from the suitcase and pulled it on.
The looks on the girls faces sums it up. We had a great time. Thanks Bruce and Julie!