Monday, March 15, 2010


It was hard to choose just a few pictures for this post. . . so, I didn't . I took over a hundred. I know my mom is the only one that would actually want to see them all, but there are so many that I just love.
MUCH to my dismay, there isn't a good one of all four of us. It might take me until our next Florida vacation, but I'll get over it eventually. Here are my favorites of Jer and I with both girls.

I also have quite a few pictures of the scenery, the shells and the wildlife. Here are my top three. I loved the pelicans. They were huge. I only saw one swoop down and grab a fish out of the ocean, but they were everywhere on the beach.
The first day we were there, we were greeted by a dolphin. It came so close to us. It was chasing a fish around and actually caught it and threw it up in the air once. Awesome.
The gators! We had to do it, maybe you thought we were kidding, but Jer for sure had to go to a 'gator farm'. The ones behind Lucy are real. . .
Here are my faves from the beach.

We made a stop at the Twins spring training facility.

On the way down and the way back, we stopped in Nashville to visit Jer's aunt and uncle. Here are some pics of the girls at Uncle Bruce and Auntie Julie's.

Lucy was pretty much given carte blanche in Julie's closet. Jewelry, shoes, handbags etc. Lucy tried it all and loved every minute of it!
Bruce and Julie have a beautiful home and a beautiful yard. They put this bench in the back yard with the hopes that little visitors would enjoy a rest there. Lucy had the honor of having her picture taken there.
A very special date was set for our return trip. Julie invited Lucy to a tea party. Here they are making plans.
On our way home Lucy got to have her very special tea party.
Here she is at the table. It was completely set with real china, candles and Lucy got to pick which of Julie's tea cups she wanted to use for the day.
Here she is being served her 'tea sandwich'. It was such a special occasion for Lucy and a wonderful stop for all of us on the way home.
We made it home last night, tired, but with smiles on our faces. I think we were in the car for 54 hours round trip. That sounds crazy, but with some toys, books and movies it was a great trip.
I can't wait to do it again next year.


  1. Welcome back! Your photography is getting so good! I am very impressed by a lot of those beach shots. Your trip looked so great. I hope you were all healthy and had a good time.

    We melted the snow for you while you were gone. Yes, your welcome.

  2. What a wonderful trip and wondeful memories made. so did Ellie belle gainweight from all the sand she ate??? Lucy, what a wonderful tea party. I will have to invie you to one of Auntie Sandy's tea parties!!!! Glad you are back safe and sound. Can't wait to see you
    Auntie Sandy

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! Amazing pictures of you guys! I like how you were all color coordinated for the beach too! Must get reprints. It makes me long to see all of you though. I really miss Lucy and Ellen. Give hugs and kisses from a loving sis and auntie! (I'm mentally pronouncing that "Ant-ie" for your sake by the way! Even though I don't feel like a 3 sectioned bug.)

  4. Wonderful pictures, and I can't wait to see all 100 of them. You all look so happy and having such a good time. The kids sure loved the beach, and Ellen must of eaten a cup of sand. Yummy. Tell Lucy she looked fabulous for her fancy tea party. Love you all and see you soon. Love Milw Gram
    PS Warn Lucy that if she does go to Auntie Sandy's for a tea party, she will surely have Pringle Pie

  5. We went to Florida when Jeremy was about one.
    I remember him scooping sand into his diaper.
    Looks like Ellen is taking after him...lovin the sand!

    I'd love to paint the beach pictures!
    Great photography, Becki.
