It has been a while. Here is an update on our fall. The girls 'helped' rake the back yard this year. Our big maple does not disappoint when it comes to leaf piles!
With the new patio, our back yard has gotten a lot of use! We fired up the heater and the chimnea and carved pumpkins and roasted marshmallows outside this year.
You can see the old cabinets in the background of the picture above. We are just about finished with our kitchen remodel. I'll post some before and after pictures soon. I'm very excitedly waiting for our new cork floor to come in.
My little girlie girls had to have Halloween nails this year!
I also had to send Lucy to school with a couple of Halloween lunches this year.
Neither of the girls schools had costume days, but they both did something fun. Lucy's school had a pajama day. Here is Lucy and her BFF Evey at their lockers.
I love this one of Lucy. This is before she left the house in the morning. See how dark it still is out the door?
I got to go to school with Ellen. It was black and orange day. We both had pumpkin t-shirts that Ellen picked out.
Here she is at 'show and share' time with her Orange and Black Kitty. Her teachers wore Mario and Luigi costumes. They are so great.
A little face paint!
Then, the main event!
The Queen of Hearts and LaLaLoopsey Lucy made their appearances.
The girls are having tons of fun and still enjoying school. Lucy reads to us each night in Spanish. It is so amazing to see her progress from single words to full sentences. Ellen is coming out of her shell and making lots of friends at school also.
We had Ellen's parent-teacher conference last week and are looking forward to Lucy's tonight.
It is so fun to see how they are away from home and parents!