We have had a major shift in the Kobie household. Up until a few weeks ago, if you asked Ellen if she was a big girl, she would say. 'No, I baby.' Now she says quite frequently: 'I big girl!' I don't know how it happened, but it did. Sniff, Sniff.
Since we are trying to embrace the 'big girl' mentality, we got her a Big Girl Bed!
She is such a little peanut that you can barely see her in the second picture.
I'm trying to love this picture. It is a real representation of how we are at bed time. Of Course, I had the beds made and the toys put away. I even vacuumed, since I knew we would be taking pictures of the big girl bed. But then, life got in the way and by the time I got back to take the picture, our real life ended up on camera. The toys are strewn about, blankets are all over and both of my children are in their natural state, which is 'au natural'.
So, this is really the best picture for the blog, right? It is us, how we really are. My two silly, energetic, big girls.