Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mercy Watson to the Rescue! Illustrated by Chris Van Dusen, of Candlewick Press

What a blast!  The Mercy Watson series is a new favorite of ours.  The production at The Children's Theater was great.  The girls were completely mesmerized the whole time.  They didn't even want to get up for intermission.
I guess any story where they love 'hot toast with a great deal of butter' would be a favorite in our house!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Minnesota Renaissance Festival!

Castles, fancy dresses, Fairies; these are some of Lucy's favorite things.  We heard that you could find all of these things at the Renaissance Festival.
We did find some of each.

Before we went, we had to get ready.  Lucy and I looked at period clothing and hair online and went through our dress-up and ribbon selection to see what we had.  She wanted braids and ribbons in her hair.  This is what we came up with.
Lucy made it on stage again. . .  In the Children's Realm production of The Pied Piper, Lucy played a mouse.  Can you see her scurrying across the back of the stage?

She is more in the middle of this picture in the purple and blue dress with the red mouse face.

We also found a ride to go on.

The girls and I loved this!  The elephant's ears kept flapping back on Lucy's legs.  At first she was a little startled, but then she thought it was pretty neat. 

Hi Dad!
Then we saw a Knight in Shinning Armor!  Lucy was going to go have her picture taken with him, but she was a little nervous, so mom went with her.
The girls each got to bring home a puppet.  Here they are showing them off.  Ellen was being such a goof ball, this is actually the best picture I have of her.  We'll chalk it up to a long day. . .

Lucy was still quite smiley and excited.  She wanted to take lots of pictures.  So, here she is one more time with her new teddy bear puppet.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Vernon County Fair

We made it to the fair again this year!  One of our first stops was to the bunny building.  The kids were extra lucky, they got to hold some of the bunnies.

Of course we had a 'fair food' supper.  Yum!
There was a kids show on that night.  All of the kids got to go on stage.  Here they are 'freezing' during the freeze dance.
 Lucky Lucy got chosen to go back on stage.  She was a total rock star and got to do a drum solo.
 Of course they went on some rides.
 They even pet a huge boa constrictor!

Here is some video of Lucy rockin' it on stage:

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Duluth & Gooseberry Falls

 Near the end of August, we had a great trip up to Duluth.  My camera wasn't happy with me or the sun that day, so many of the pictures that I took, just didn't turn out well.  Here are a few that I was able to salvage:
Lucy was a fearless climber 
 Ellen's pockets were so full of rocks, we thought she would fall over.
 The mamas made it into a picture: Me, Jess & Kimber
Jer & Ellen say "See Ya"