Our Little Lucy is Three Years Old!
On her birthday, yesterday, she woke up to a festive table so we could do a little celebrating before we were off to church.

Here is the birthday girl opening her princess card. It sang a birthday song to her. If you have seen these cards in the store, you know that they are a little expensive. When I bought it, I thought it was a little ridiculous, but when she opened it and I saw that smile. . . totally worth it!!

Then she opened a few presents.

And had a special birthday breakfast.

Our big girl is also working on potty training. Here she is having a chocolate reward for doing a such a good job.

Later in the day we went to the Mall of America and let Lucy go on some rides. She usually picks the carousel first. Yesterday was no exception. I think she is saying her version of 'cheeaaassseee' for the picture.

She also got to go on this HUGE ferris wheel with Daddy.

They waited in line #3. Jer caught this one of her on her special number.

Happy Birthday to my dear, sweet Lucy!!
Thank you to all of you who called and left messages for Lucy. We listened to them all and she loved them! You all helped to make her day very special!